Publicado 22 mayo 2014 - 21:43
Hola jdochoa1
Aquí te dejo el ejemplo del manual oficial de tu Firewall Dlink para que veas cómo se activa el NAT:
Example 7.1. Specifying a NAT Rule
To following will add a NAT rule that will perform address translation for all HTTP traffic originating from the
internal network lan as it flows out to the public Internet on the wan interface. The IP address of the wan interface
will be used as the NATing address for all connections.
Command-Line Interface
First, change the current category to be the main IP rule set:
gw-world:/> cc IPRuleSet main
ow, create the IP rule:
gw-world:/main> add IPRule Action=NAT
Return to the top level:
gw-world:/main> cc
The NATAction option could be left out since the default value is to use the interface address. The alternative is to
specify UseSenderAddress and use the NATSenderAddress option to specify the IP address to use. The sender
address will also need to be explicitly ARP published on the interface.
Web Interface:
1. Go to: Rules > IP Rules > Add > IPRule
2. Specify a suitable name for the rule, for example NAT_HTTP
3. Now enter:
• Action: NAT
• Service: http
• Source Interface: lan
• Source Network: lannet
• Destination Interface: wan
• Destination Network: all-nets
4. Under the NAT tab, make sure that the Use Interface Address option is selected
5. Click OK
Logging can optionally be enabled for this rule so that a log message is generated each time it is triggered.
Si quieres más info te dejo el enlace para que te lo descargues, te recomiendo leer el capítulo 7: Address Translation (7.2 NAT)
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